Our Services

Ground Improvement

Ground improvement serves as an essential measure to enhance the properties of the foundation soil or rock to make it more suitable for construction or to address specific geotechnical challenges. It involves modifying the ground conditions to increase load-bearing capacity, improve stability, control settlement, or mitigate potential hazards. We provide diverse methods of ground improvement works, carefully tailored to suit the site and project requirements. Proper geotechnical investigation and analysis are essential to determine the optimal approach for a given project. Ground improvement substantially elevates the efficiency and safety of construction ventures, particularly within challenging ground contexts.

By mechanically densifying the soil layers through compaction, the soil's strength and load-bearing capacity can be amplified. This method is hinged upon the strategic application of dynamic or static forces to reduce air voids and increase soil density. If the in-situ soil is still not capable of bearing the structural loads, the soil shall be replaced with a soil of superior strength characteristics.

The implementation of soil reinforcement stands as one of the highly sought-after approaches to ground improvement. This method entails the integration of diverse reinforcing elements within the soil matrix, aimed at fortifying its strength, stability, and load-bearing capacity. Particularly valuable in addressing the challenges posed by weak or loosely compacted soils with deficient engineering attributes, this technique enlists elements like geogrids, geotextiles, geomembranes, and geocells. These reinforcements impart crucial tensile strength to the soil, optimising load distribution and consequently bolstering the construction of our RS structures. Strategically positioned at predetermined depths and intervals within the soil, these reinforcement elements collectively establish a reinforced zone. The selection of reinforcement material and its configuration is guided by factors encompassing soil properties, design specifications, and project requirements.

The approach of ground improvement through reinforcement offers numerous merits, including increased bearing capacity, curtailed settlement, improved slope steadiness, and enhanced resilience against seismic forces. It empowers the utilisation of weaker or marginal soils, thereby reducing the necessity for resource-intensive soil excavation and replacement. Moreover, this technique aligns with sustainable and ecologically conscious construction practices.

The effectiveness and enduring performance of ground improvement via reinforcement depend upon meticulous design, comprehensive geotechnical analysis, and the application of precise construction methodologies.